Monday, November 15, 2010

Lazy Monday!!!

Ah, I can feel the routine setting in again. I have my vanilla Dr. Pepper from Sonic and blogging again. My mom made dinner. Techinically she bought part of it. Fried Chicken from Brookshires, chedder broccoli noodles, and little peas. I can say it was a very good dinner, way better than the food that school serves.

Monday, what is there to say about you. The weather is crappy!!! It has rained for the past 2 days, making it so cold. The perfect cuddling weather and I have no one to cuddle with. It is semi-upsetting, but that is quite alright. I have my big brother to watch movies and cuddle with. I love him. He is a whole another post on another day.

I have been tired all day just exhausted. I have no clue why I haven't done anything to make me feel so exhausted. I am beginning to think that it is the weather. That and considering I can't sleep when it is raining at night must be the problem.

School you are driving me to sleep and not pay attention in class. Thus it is making my GPA drop along with my class rank. I need out of the second quartile. I need college to be successful and teachers your making me miserable. It is so hard to apply myself with the teachers make the class boring.

I love my after school Sonic runs with my brother and the occasional Ashley. It brightens my day! I feel so much better to be able to blog. Next blog hopefully will be more interesting!

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